Women Lawyers of Santa Cruz County
To Promote The Advancement Of Women In The Legal Profession And Advocate For The Concerns Of Women In Society
As an organization that promotes women in the legal profession and in our local community, the Women Lawyers of Santa Cruz County support a woman’s right to choose.
“The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a woman’s life, to her well-being and dignity. … When government controls that decision for her, she is being treated as less than a fully adult human responsible for her own choices.”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Our Mission:
Women Lawyers of Santa Cruz County promotes the advancement of women in the legal profession and is an active advocate for the concerns of women in society.
About WLSCC:
Women Lawyers of Santa Cruz County (WLSCC) is a nonprofit organization serving women involved in the law including Lawyers, Judges, Commissioners, Law Students, Law School Graduates and people employed or active in law-related fields.
WLSCC Officers:
President: Danielle deMartino
Past President: Anna Rivard
President-Elect: Vacant
Recording Secretary: Tory Thompson
Corresponding Secretary: Lauren Corman
Treasurer: Lauren Corman
Board Members At Large:
Gina Occhipinti Borasi
Susan Tomley
Emily Trexel
The Board of Women Lawyers of Santa Cruz County (“WLSCC”) is committed to fostering diversity and inclusiveness in the legal profession and in the various other communities of which we are members. The participation of people with varied perspectives, experiences, backgrounds, talents, and interests can foster greater creativity and effectiveness in the practice of law and support the equitable and inclusive administration of justice that is so badly needed by and inaccessible to so many. Diversity in the legal profession is good for the profession, good for business, and most importantly, good for our communities.
With the above in mind, the WLSCC Board offers the following Diversity Pledge for members to sign here.
Lady Justice by Kate Springmeyer for WLSCC